Take-out Style Fries


Serving Size: Could be just for you…we won’t tell!

What you’ll need:

2-4 White or Yukon Gold potatoes
Large pinch of salt
A pot filled ¾ of the way with cooking oil (Canola, peanut, sunflower, vegetable)


1.       In a medium-large pot, fill it ¾ of the way with your desired cooking oil (avoid olive oil) and heat oil to a medium temperature (we don’t want a sizzle on contact yet!)

2.       While the oil heats: cut potatoes into rectangular sticks (cut to your desired fry shape and thickness)  Optional: you can peel the potatoes (or leave the skin on like we did!)

3.       When the oil has heated for at least 5 solid minutes, add the fries to the oil and let them gently cook. They should remain close to the bottom and there should be very minimal bubbling and frying. Remove the fries from the oil when they still remain firm, but squish beneath the fingers with little effort when you squeeze them. They should not be golden in colour yet.

This is called blanching the fries and is key to making sure the fries are cooked through. This process can take up to 10 minutes. Blanche in batches if you’re making a lot of fries or your pot is small.

4.       Remove the fries from the oil and spread on a tray lined with paper towel or cloth. They can remain here for up to 3 hours.

5.       Just before you’re ready to serve, crank the heat! Heat the oil to a high temperature. The oil is ready when you hold one of the fries into it and it begins to bubble and sizzle immediately and viciously.

6.       When the oil is ready, add the fries to the oil let fry until desired colour and crisp

7.       Remove from the oil and place into a large bowl with salt. Toss. Now they’re ready to serve!

*Chef’s Note: Stove top frying will take some patience and adjustments to get the desired results. Be patient and work with your stove!

Pearing Suggestions: You can chop some garlic, herbs and  mix it with some salt and Parmesan cheese in a small bowl. Use this mixture to season the fries when they’re done and just before serving to make your very own garlic herb fries!



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